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[E4L]≡ Libro Gratis Ace (Audible Audio Edition) Jack Byrne Jonathan David Dreamspinner Press LLC Books

Ace (Audible Audio Edition) Jack Byrne Jonathan David Dreamspinner Press LLC Books

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Download PDF  Ace (Audible Audio Edition) Jack Byrne Jonathan David Dreamspinner Press LLC Books

Jake Tanner is a gay asexual man who finds peace on his small Australian farm and is content to lead a quiet life taking care of his animals. Then a random act of kindness on his part sets in motion a complex series of events that results in him playing the piano in a local pub and meeting Damien Jamieson, a sexy gay biker with a penchant for leather. Damien finds Jake instantly irresistible, but that could be the worst thing for their budding relationship, as Damien is determined to bed the reluctant Jake. However, Jake has no intention of going along with his plan. If there's a chance for anything between them, Damien will have to figure out how to turn Jake on without scaring him off.

Ace (Audible Audio Edition) Jack Byrne Jonathan David Dreamspinner Press LLC Books

This book was amazing. I can see where some people had issues, but I loved this book. Yes, Damien loves sex and tried pressuring Jake, but he also in my opinion tried to understand how Jake felt. Its hard in a way. I know how Jake feels.

Jake to me seems to an Autochrissexual, because of how turned on he got from leather, the riding crop, etc. He then started to learn more about Damien. To which makes me think that Jake may be a demisexual, which means once a bond is established that is when the sexual attraction comes in. Yes, Asexuals have no sexual attraction, but some aces do have sex for different reasons. I would love for a sequel to see Jake exploring this side of him.

I couldn't put this book down and I might add that I am a Panromantic Asexual. Keep up the great work Jack. This book was excellent. Ignore the haters.

Product details

  • Audible Audiobook
  • Listening Length 5 hours and 37 minutes
  • Program Type Audiobook
  • Version Unabridged
  • Publisher Dreamspinner Press LLC
  • Release Date March 31, 2016
  • Whispersync for Voice Ready
  • Language English

Read  Ace (Audible Audio Edition) Jack Byrne Jonathan David Dreamspinner Press LLC Books

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Ace (Audible Audio Edition) Jack Byrne Jonathan David Dreamspinner Press LLC Books Reviews

Reviewed by Caer Jones for QUEERcentric Books

I was a bit hesitant to start Jack Byrne’s Ace. The blurb was a bit off-putting, and when I cruised the reviews they were decidedly mixed. I gave it a go anyway, though, and I’m glad I did.

Jake is an Australian farmer who’s relatively content with just his dog for company. Sure he’d like the companionship of a partner, but his lack of interest in sex has always been the kiss of death to relationships. When he meets a guy in a bar who expresses interest he’s sure it won’t go anywhere. And says so.

Damien is awfully determined to prove Jake wrong, but taking Jake’s disinterest in sex as a personal rejection will doom their relationship before it starts.

Y’all. So. Many. Feels.

They’re not really because of the story line, either. It’s not all angst or anything. Ace is actually a fairly simple story, with nothing I’d even call a plot twist. The biggest conflicts are Damien thinking sexual interest and romantic interest are the same thing (which is common for sexual people), and Jake feeling insecure because he can’t be what he thinks Damien needs (which is common for aces).

It’s just that this book – the whole thing – resonated with me on such a deep level!


Jake has never heard of asexuality, so he has no handy way to articulate how he feels. This is why ace visibility is so important. Figuring out asexuality in the first place is hard enough, but doing it without the vocabulary is even harder. You’re trying to define something by its lack, and you only know it exists at all because other people say it does. It can be incredibly challenging for all involved.

This quote really captured the whole thing for me. Jake is trying to explain himself to Damien

“It’s in all the literature, isn’t it? ‘He identified as gay. She identified as straight.’ Gay people say ‘I was born this way. This is who I am.’ All those marvelous gay affirmations. A kick in the teeth to the ones among us who don’t have an identity.”

That kick in the teeth? I’ve felt that. I struggled just like Jake did to find my identity. I didn’t understand I was ace until my late 20s/early 30s, and not having a label for myself shaped so much about my life and my relationships. I got that about Jake, what that felt like for him. I also got the choices he made, and the compromises, because I’ve absolutely been there.


I totally got Damien too, though. He’s all the people I dated before I figured things out. He’s a very sexual guy, and as we get to know him better we realize just how much “sex” and “love” are connected together for him. Someone wanting Damien sexually is how he knows he’s wanted, period. And who doesn’t want to be wanted?

Once we understand that it’s obvious why Damien gets frustrated by what he thinks are Jake’s mixed signals! Jake’s just separating concepts that Damien bundles all together, and without the vocabulary it’s hard for them to see where their communication is breaking down.

For those wondering, Jake and Damien do eventually have sex. It’s even good sex. Jake isn’t completely sex-repulsed, and he requires a lot of warm-up before he’s actually physically interested, but he can enjoy sex. And has in the past. He’s just not motivated by it.

It was nice to see that one awesome bone sesh didn’t change Jake’s orientation – he’s not “fixed” – and I think that right there helped Damien put things into context for himself. It also relieved one of my biggest concerns from the blurb.

Also? There is a ton of diversity in the ace community, and it is fantastic to see a variation represented that isn’t “never ever has sex ever”. I feel like all too often aces get pigeon-holed into that one narrow category, and that makes it harder for other aces to find their way.


I think the best thing about Ace is that it’s real. It’s not all pretty, or perfect, or politically correct. This isn’t a “how to” guide for dealing with asexuality, or an idealized perspective of it. This is the tale of two guys who feel a connection trying to navigate a relationship together when neither can articulate the pitfalls they find on the way. As an ace myself I have a new rec for people looking for reads with asexual characters, and if you’re at all curious about how asexuality might look in context pick this one up.
I love this book! Why? Mainly because the two main characters are so fully realized, complex, and interesting. Do not be misled by the cover blurb. This is not simply a story of an asexual man who meets Mr. Right and immediately (or even eventually) becomes enthusiastically sexual. Although both men are immediately drawn to each other, that doesn't mean that their essential natures change as a result. And asexuality is just as essential or inborn as being gay, lesbian, bi, or straight. So yeah, they come to love each other, but that doesn't mean that either of them "converts". It doesn't work that way and the author doesn't write it that way. As always with this author, the Austrailian setting is vividly detailed, the writing flawless, and the secondary characters complex and interesting. Additionally, the editing is excellent, which is important to me; no spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors to throw me out of the story. It's worth the price!
I really had trouble rating this one. There's a lot to like, particularly the interesting characters. And it is interesting in that it explores a different type of sexuality. It really a mixed bag though.

Things I didn't like about it
--I like books set in Australia. This books seems to have been Americanized or something, because it really could have taken place almost anywhere.

--The earliest chapters almost felt incomplete with the locale and the characters insufficiently fleshed out.

--The book ends too abruptly, with no sense that the difficulty between the two main characters where close to being solved.

I wish that it were offered at a more reasonable price. It is a relatively short book, and Dreamspinner is charging way too much for it's offerings lately. I used to buy almost everything they offered but I'm much more careful now that they are charging twice what they ought.
I actually liked this story. I liked how the asexual character, even though he eventually has sex with his partner, remains indifferent. I related to that.
Jake is asexual. Damian is extremely sexual. Damian sees Jake's lack of sexual interest as rejection and tries to emotionally blackmail and pressure him into doing sexual things. This is depicted in the book as okay. Jake ends up doing more sexual things with Damian. Damian wants to do more and more. Jake doesn't. Damian doesn't really work with where Jake is at, just gets all emotional and rejected when Jake isn't sexually interested - or actively distasteful. To be fair, Jake isn't great at communicating as it is all so fraught for him. Which makes it all kind of worse. Then there's the bit where Damian starts bring in whips and shackles and Jake can't bear to be in the same room as them. It's just not good. Sexual pressure when you are just not interested in or want sex is not pleasant or romantic.

This is all not pleasant to read or romantic. The subtext is that an asexual will only have a romantic relationship if they put up with sex.
This book was amazing. I can see where some people had issues, but I loved this book. Yes, Damien loves sex and tried pressuring Jake, but he also in my opinion tried to understand how Jake felt. Its hard in a way. I know how Jake feels.

Jake to me seems to an Autochrissexual, because of how turned on he got from leather, the riding crop, etc. He then started to learn more about Damien. To which makes me think that Jake may be a demisexual, which means once a bond is established that is when the sexual attraction comes in. Yes, Asexuals have no sexual attraction, but some aces do have sex for different reasons. I would love for a sequel to see Jake exploring this side of him.

I couldn't put this book down and I might add that I am a Panromantic Asexual. Keep up the great work Jack. This book was excellent. Ignore the haters.
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